By enrolling your dog with Hound Lounge, you agree and consent to all Hound Lounge policies.
Hound Lounge policies
The purpose of the Hound Lounge is to provide a safe, fun and stimulating social environment for dogs. We'd love to welcome any and all fuzzy paws, but for your dog's safety and the safety of others, your dog must meet the following requirements:
Operating days
We are closed all Public Holidays, and our team will enjoy a break over the Christmas New Year period. See the Contact Us page to view our Christmas holiday hours for the upcoming summer holiday period including the days we be closed, and have reduced hours.
You will not be charged for service on public holidays, unless you have booked a Home and Away boarding.
Cancellations / attendance
At Hound Lounge we run a structured service, which means we take great care to match your dog with others, and ensure their day is balanced and fulfilling. The way we run things means we can’t just fill spots with another dog if your dog is away, for this reason, all cancellations will incur a cancellation fee depending on the notice given. If your dog can't attend for any reason, e.g. on holiday, sick, or for any other reason, the following applies:
More than 48 hours’ notice: $30 to hold your permanent placement.
Less than 48 hours’ notice: 100% of the daily service fee will be payable.
14 days’ notice is required when you would like to cancel your permanent placement, or the policy above applies.
14 days’ notice is required when reducing or changing your permanent daycare day or the policy above applies.
If, for whatever reason, your dog cannot attend their weekly spot, placement can be held for a maximum of 4 weeks or at our discretion and may be terminated by us after that.
No refunds will be given on trip passes. The session passes will expire 12 months after purchase. Unused sessions will not be refunded.
If we decide your dog is unable to continue attending dog daycare, the unused portion of any session pass purchased may be refunded.
General Terms & Conditions
All dogs must wear suitable collars which cannot slip off their neck. No chain collars/or chains on collars. No GPS collars/tags or tags that may contain batteries that may be harmful if swallowed/chewed. This is for safety purposes only.
All dogs must have up to date vaccinations; vet certificates showing currency of vaccinations must be produced prior to first visit and at subsequent vet re visits.
If your dog is unwell on the day, they are scheduled to come to Hound Lounge it is essential that for the safety of our other guests that you do not bring it to us and let us know as soon as possible – our cancellation policy will apply.
If your dog has been suffering from something that could be transmitted to other dogs, then we will require confirmation from your vet advising it is now safe for your pet to rejoin Hound Lounge.
If at any time during your dog’s attendance at Hound Lounge we feel we have to separate your pet from the rest of the pack due to illness, we will make every endeavour to contact the owner. If contact cannot be made and we consider your pet is getting worse, we will then contact our emergency vet provider for assistance. All costs incurred by Hound Lounge will be recoverable from the owner.
All dogs must be up to date with their flea and worm treatments.
Hound Lounge reserves the right to refuse entry to our doggy day care facility if your dog displays nonsocial or aggressive behaviour. It is essential that Hound Lounge enforce this to ensure the safety of all other dogs who attend plus Hound Lounge staff members. We will always communicate with you any concerns we may have regarding your dog while in our care. Your dog’s happiness and welfare are what is important to us.
Hound Lounge needs to be advised of any behavioural, health or medical problems that your dog may have to ensure the safety of your dog and our other guests.
Social media
You allow and consent to your dog being photographed and/or used on the Hound Lounge social media sites eg Instagram and Facebook, and/or Hound Lounge website.
If your dog is unwell, please keep them out of daycare, let us know your dog is unwell, and that they will not be attending daycare. All dogs must be in good health. Owners will certify their dog(s) are in good health and have not been ill with a communicable condition. If they have had a communicable condition, owners will need to provide a veterinarian certification of health to be admitted or readmitted.
Owners must bring in their dog’s veterinarian health booklet at the time of enrolment and whenever vaccinations have been updated. All dogs must be vaccinated against canine parvovirus, canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, Bordetella (kennel cough), and, when necessary, Leptospirosis.
These requirements and suggestions are not a guarantee against infection, but an attempt to minimize the chances of contagion.
We take the health and safety of all dogs in our care extremely seriously and we appreciate your compliance and understanding with our requirements. Click here to read more about Common Canine Illnesses
Dogs attending daycare must be people-friendly and enjoy the company of other dogs.
All dogs must be non-aggressive and not toy protective. Owners will certify their dogs have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behaviour towards any person or any other dogs.
Ideally all dogs 6 months of age or older must be spayed or neutered. However we understand that some vets want to wait until 1 year.
The team at Hound Lounge will consider each case individually for dogs who are not neutered after 6 months, however it is unlikely we will accept unneutered male dogs after the age of 6 months.
Intact females are unable to attend daycare while in heat, and for the immediate 2 weeks after being in heat. Please see our cancellation policy.
I certify that my dog is in good health and has not been ill with any communicable condition in the last 30 days. I further certify that my dog has not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behaviour towards any person or any other dog. I have read and understand the following:
I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog while my dog is attending the Hound Lounge.
I further understand and agree that the Hound Lounge and its staff and volunteers, will not be liable for any problems that develop, provided reasonable care and precautions are followed, and I hereby release them of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from my dog’s attendance and participation at Hound Lounge.
I understand and agree that dogs can sometimes receive injuries and be involved in dog fights in a group environment and any problems that develop with my dog will be treated as deemed best by staff and volunteers of Hound Lounge, at their sole discretion, and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved.
I understand that if my dog exhibits any signs or symptoms of being unwell, I will not send them to the Hound Lounge. I also understand that if they start to present as unwell at the Hound Lounge they will immediately be put in a comfortable, isolated area until drop off, or until an authorised person can retrieve them. Dogs in isolation will be cared for with fluids, toilet breaks, and (when appropriate) chew toys, but will not be allowed to have any contact with other dogs.
I authorise emergency medical care to be provided by a veterinarian and I will reimburse Hound Lounge for any charges related to emergency care.
I authorise Hound Lounge to administer or seek first aid and resuscitative care as determined appropriate by Hound Lounge and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Hound Lounge for all and any results thereof.