Frequently Asked Questions
Are all the dogs kept together?
Yes - We strive to operate in an open daycare environment - where dogs can play together.
How do we keep the dogs calm and quiet?
We only allow dogs who are people and dog friendly.
Our staff are trained to read dog behaviour and the dogs are watched closely to make sure they're okay.
We don’t allow external visitors to disrupt the dogs; We work hard to keep our minds challenged, but not overstimulated. Adding an unknown human can cause an unnecessary disturbance for our dogs and team.
Everyone has their own thresholds and histories, so we manage our pack for the best environment for everyone - this may mean we sometimes separate dogs from the main group into another room, area or a crate, rotating them as necessary.
We discourage high energy play as this can quickly tip over into a fight if one dog feels threatened or tired.
We use vocal tones to get the dogs attention, redirect or shush.
We also use leads to work with dogs individually should they need specific 1-1 attention.
We encourage calm, quiet play where everyone is enjoying themselves.
Why do we use crates?
We use them as a quiet, safe place for dogs to calm down.
Why do we insist on up to date vaccinations, worming and flea treatments?
We do our best to prevent the spread of infections, diseases and parasites.
We keep our facility very clean, but we need owners to also keep their dogs healthy and to not send them in if they're unwell.
Why do we prefer dogs to be desexed?
To keep everyone safe and happy we prefer that dogs are desexed by 6 months of age. If you choose not to desex by 6 months we will insist that desexing is done by the first birthday, and we will monitor behaviour and may ask you to remove your dog from daycare at anytime.
How does our transport service work?
We pick up and drop off your dog/s to and from your home.
We anticipate dogs will be picked up from your homes between 7.30 am and 9.30 am.
Dogs will spend the next 4-5 hours under the expert supervision of our wonderful team, socialising with mates, having supervised play, lazing around and enjoying cuddles and pats.
Dogs are then dropped back home between 2.30pm and 4.30pm.
We don’t want your dogs to spend too long travelling in the vehicles, so we have planned our van runs with efficiency in mind. Plus, we will use the time in the vehicle wisely. All dogs who travel with us will be trained and taught our van etiquette; meaning we will teach them what we expect when in the vehicle. This starts with the basics – individual sits, stays/waits before any dog is allowed to enter or exit a vehicle (like the work we currently do with the dogs for impulse control at gates / doors).
Our vans are fitted out with custom dog entry doors made especially for safe vehicle entry and exit of our very special travelers.
All vans are equipped with emergency equipment, including a lead for each dog, water and first aid.
All our vans have air conditioning and large windows so that dogs are kept at the right temperature during their journey.